Frequently Asked Questions
Scroll through frequently asked questions and contact us if you need to know more …
Who can issue roadworthy certificates?
Certification of Roadworthiness (CRW) can only be authorized and issued by a licensed vehicle examiner, operating from an approved Vehicle Test Station. We are an approved vehicle test station
When can a certificate be issued?
When a vehicle passes the roadworthy inspection, the vehicles’ record on NATIS is updated as Roadworthy, no physical certificates are issued anymore, it is all done electronically.
The inspection is a check of the vehicle to ensure that key components have not worn or deteriorated to such an extent and that the vehicle is unsafe for normal road use.
- non-safety related items are working but our examiner will inform you of items of concern.
What if the vehicle fails the test?
If a defects are found on the vehicle you will be given a list of the items that need to be repaired and the vehicle must be returned within 14 days for a free retest.
What is the cost of a roadworthy test?
The cost of a roadworthy test for a motorcar is R680 and for motorcycles & trailers it is R520. This includes a free retest within 14 days should the vehicle not pass the first time.
How long does a certificate last?
Certification of Roadworthiness is valid for 60 days from the date of issue, for the purpose of a registration.
When is Police Clearance required?
- when the engine or VIN / chassis number of the vehicle differs from the number on NATIS and registration certificate (even if one digit is different)
- when documentation is lost or not received from the previous owner of the vehicle
- when a vehicle is imported or exported, including visits to neighbouring countries
- when a vehicle is to be introduced to NATIS, ie home-built vehicles or rebuilt vehicles whose records are not on NATIS
- or when a buyer wants to be certain a vehicle is not stolen before it is purchased.
When is microdotting required?
- As from the 1st September 2012, all newly registered vehicle need to have microdots fitted.
- From the same date, all vehicle requiring SAPS (Police) Clearance, also require Microdotting